Ask The Author–Do You Ever Get Bored Writing?
Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s 2022 already. 2021 started out rough, but it seemed to get a little better around the end. Hopefully, that continues into 2022 and beyond.

Anyhow, the question for this month is, “Do you ever get bored writing?”
I would love to say that I never ever get bored writing, because everything I write is exciting and just flows onto the page, but that would be a lie. I do love writing, but every once in a while (okay, maybe like all the time) I find I start ramble writing. I start overthinking things, and I start putting mundane details in a story that don’t add to the story at all. These are the kind of things that bore most readers, and they also start getting boring to me as a writer after a little while. Though they do have a purpose, at least in the first draft. They help me explore the world of Aviandria, and when I know it better, I can write about it better. However, if I am bored with something, it is a huge red flag that it is an area I will need to examine in the edits and quite possibly cut out, or at least condense greatly.
So yes, sometimes I do get bored, but that’s a good thing because it means I can identify parts of my writing that aren’t as great. It helps me know I need to change something to get back on track and make my writing better. When I am writing well, I am seldom bored. Then writing is exciting and fun.
Have you ever gotten bored doing something you love? What did it tell you, and how did you change it?