Ask the Author–How Do You Fit Writing In When You’re Busy?
It’s December! I can’t believe it. Almost a new year. Maybe 2022 will be a good one. It does have 22 in it, which is a multiple of 11, which is my favorite number, so maybe it will be lucky. One can always hope. Anyhow, back to the topic on hand. The question of the week?
How do you fit writing in when you’re busy?

I’ll be really honest. Sometimes I don’t. I used to be better at this than I am right now. There was a time I took a notebook EVERYWHERE. I could squish writing in two-minute intervals between classes, or while waiting for appointments. I could write just about any time, any place, and pick up where I left off easily without having to reread much or taking time to refocus my brain. Somehow that has gotten less easy for me. Right now I have far fewer little breaks between things like I used to, and when I do, it takes me longer to get my brain back in gear for writing. There are so many other things on my mind that I know I should be doing, there is just a ton of competition.
However, there are still a few times I find to write. Sometimes there is a rare few moments before bed where I have finished what absolutely has to be done (not necessarily what should be done) that I can squish it in. Sometimes there are a few moments at lunch break I give myself before I have to get back to doing things (which is exactly when I am writing this) and sometimes I just have to steal time from other things I probably should be doing. (Don’t worry, I’m not getting paid for this “stolen” time. I’m not really stealing it from anyone but myself.)
Anyhow, lunch is winding down, and my teeny tiny writing moment is dwindling, so it looks like time to sign off. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to find time to write again soon!
When do you find little bits of time to do things you like?