Ask the Author–What are your plans now that the Aviandrian Trilogy is Almost Complete?
While it might not be perfectly ready to hit the “publish” button yet, the last book in the Aviandrian Trilogy is basically finished. The touch-ups won’t take much longer, and then the project that has claimed the majority of my attention for the last fourteen years will be finished. With that thought, the question for this post is: What are your plans now that the Aviandrian Trilogy is almost complete?

That’s a very good question, and one I’m not exactly sure about. I don’t have a lack of ideas, but choosing the right idea is going to be difficult. Here are some of my options.
- I could continue with Aviandrian based projects. These projects won’t have anything to do with Ashlynn and her friends. They would be set in a different time, and would be about people in Aviandria, not about world jumpers. I have several different ideas that I could write about in this category, including a story about two riders-in-training and a sting operation type stories involving a corrupt cityhead, a few Traders, and a rag-tag team of misfits seeking justice. I’ve also been planning a series of short stories from Aviandrian folklore and legends.
- I have an idea for a science fiction series that would be fun. It would include space pirates and alien botany.
- There is also a distopian type novel swimming around in my head that has been really intreaguing me lately. This one has been popping up in my to-write list for over fifteen years now.
- I also have a Children’s fiction book idea that I’d love to write. It involves three sisters, a mad scientist, and an imagination machine.
Those are the ideas I have to choose from right now. Some of them have been started, some of them aren’t more than a vague idea. Now I just have to figure out which one to dive into.
Which one of those ideas sounds the most interesting to you?