Aviandrian Geography–Aielghorythia
Right now I’m occasionally doing a post about some of Aviandrias closest neighbors. Some I know more about than others because some are more closely connected to Aviandria either historically or politically. This is one country I know a little about, but not as much as some others.

Aielghorythia is a mountainous country, but the climates in different areas vary greatly. The western part where the coast of the country resides has a very similar climate to Accipitridaelynn, seeing that they benefit from the same warm ocean and air currants that gives Accipitridaelynn its beautiful sub-tropical weather. If you travel to the far east of Aielghorythia, the mountains block the humid air currents, and the climate becomes rather arid. However, somewhere between these two, the combination of some hills and a below sealevel depression creates a tropical zone.
While there is some overlap between what is produced in the souther part of Aviandria and Aielghorythia, Aielghorythia’s tropical zone gives it an plenty of unique items to use in trade. Some things among the more popular exports of Aielghorythia include bananas, citrus, shrimp, rice, and silk, as well as some spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove.
Like Aviandria, Aielghorythia is a monarcy, but unlike Aviandria, it is an absolute monarchy. The monarch has advisors, but they have no final say in the actions of the monarch. The monarchy is kept within a single family, and has been for generations. It has usually been passed to male heirs, but there have been exceptions. There is little interactions between the governments of Aviandria and Aielghorythia except for official requirements. However, the few interactions that do occur are friendly enough, and the feelings between the countries have been warm enough. They have excellent trade agreements, since they each have things the other country wants or needs, and these have lasted centuries.
What other things would you like to know about Aielghorythia?