Aviandrian Geography–Slievachnyd
As we continue to learn more about Aviandria’s neighbors, we move to the east to the country hiding behind Aviandrias longest chain of mountains. Slievachnyd is a quiet country and often gets forgotten. However, it is worth mentioning because it is rather unique compared to the countries surrounding it. Many things about it are slightly mysterious because they keep to themselves and seldom entertain outsiders, but here are a few things that I do know.

Situated on the leeward side of Aviandria’s eastern mountain ranges, Slievachnyd (pronounced Sly-vok-nid) is an arid country with little growing besides drought-resistant brush. Much of it is full of rocky hills and shallow washes. Like many deserts, it is quite warm in the daytime and cold at night, and few people are anxious to live there for long. However, those that do would not give it up for anything.
The people of Slievachnyd live in semi-nomadic groups called Slie-toch-nyra-tel. Roughly translated from the Slievachnydian language, that would mean “Those who care for each other.” (On a similar note, Slievachnyd would translate to “Those who live apart”)There is no central government. The land is split up into the territories of these groups. Each Slie-toch-nyra-tel has a leader called Slou-tarach, meaning “the person who leads.” These groups have similar traditions and cultures, so they see themselves generally as one people. Contention among them is rare, though there have been territory skirmishes. Each group remains in its own territory unless invited to another.
These Slie-toch-nyra-tel rely heavily on the goats they heard. This is much of the reason they move. As the goats eat the plants in one area, they move to another area. The goats provide them with the fibers for fabric for clothes and other things, as well as meat and milk. Often, each Slie-toch-nyra-tel will have a portion of its people who stay at a more permanent location by one of the more reliable water sources and grow some crops to supplement what the goats provide, but farming is not their primary source of food. They seldom grow enough to use in trade or export, though once in a while if they have had a good year, they may use it to bargain with other Slie-toch-nyra-tel.
There are several valuable resources found in Slievachnyd, but the people there seldom utilize these. However, if another country wishes to take advantage of these resources, a bargain may often be reached with the Slou-tarach in charge of that territory. In exchange for something of value, the people will allow others from the interested country to come and gather/mine the desired resource so long as they respect the land. Through such arrangements, Aviandria is able to obtain copper, topaz, opal, turquoise, and saleratus (sodium bicarbonate). These agreements usually have to be renewed after an agreed-upon period of time.
What questions do you have about Slievachnyd?