How Much Does Music Add to a Story? A Lot where Mine are Concerned.

I’ve grown up my entire life around music. My parents sang to me at an early age and had a...

If Aviandria Was a Musical–Is It Really Possible?

Okay, so I’m continuing with these musical songs. However, we’re getting to the point where I probably should start including...

Ten Facts You May or May Not Have Known About Alvorach

Alvorach (pronounced ALL-vor-rock) was a very unexpected character. I had no idea he even existed when I began writing the...

Ask the Author–How much of yourself do you put in your writing?

Wow. It’s finally February! January was a month full of colds and coughing, so it actually felt really long this...

Is Everyone Really the Hero of Their Own Story?

There is a saying out there that goes something like, “Everyone is the hero of their own story.” I’m not...

If Aviandria Were a Musical–We’ll Get Him Out!

It is snowing, snowing, snowing here today. Thank goodness I don’t have anywhere I need to be. With weather like...

Ten Facts You May or May Not Have Known About Alder

Sometimes it’s hard, because as the author, I know my characters better than anyone else. However, I can’t always write...

Ask the Author– What are the answers to last week’s quiz?

Happy New Year! It’s almost a week late, but that’s how the calendar falls. Anyhow, last week we had a...

Let’s have a little fun! — After all, this is a special post.

Can you believe we’ve made it through a new year already? This is the very last post for 2018. It...

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

So, maybe they don’t celebrate Christmas in Aviandria exactly like we do, but I do. I love Christmas and the...