Choose your own path Aviandrian Adventure
When I was young, I remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books were quite popular. I never really got into them myself, but one time we had an assignment in school to write our own. That, to me, was more fun than reading them. Probably not a surprise, considering I am a writer and I love writing.
Now, years after the assignment for school, I put those skills to use and created a Choose Your Own Aviandrian Adventure story. Luckily for you, I have it here on my website for free. This means you don’t have to buy it, and it also means you can click the choice you want and not have to flip pages to where you want to go. (In retrospect, flipping pages was probably part of the reason I never really got into those books.) And the great thing is if you don’t like your ending (the other big reason I didn’t get into the series) you can always try again! So, go ahead and click on the button below to find out what happens in your own Aviandrian adventure, if you dare.
How did you feel about your ending?