How Much Does Music Add to a Story? A Lot where Mine are Concerned.
I’ve grown up my entire life around music. My parents sang to me at an early age and had a record playing stereo we would listen to. We had tapes of songs we would listen to in the car. I started violin lessons when I was six or seven. I sang in choirs. I played in numerous orchestras. I went to summer music camps. I even had almost enough music credits to minor in it in college. I know music and I know the power it can have. Perhaps that is why I find it goes with stories and writing so well. I mean, why else would they have movie soundtracks. Most of the time, the music makes the movie! Because of this, I use it a lot in my writing. Here are a few ways

1- I use pre-existing music to inspire my creativity. Some kinds of music just really spark my imagination. Music can wake up my brain and turn it to the creative side. Most of the time, music without words works best. It is also helpful if the song sounds like it can tell a story itself. Music from the romantic era usually does very well. Some of my favorites include music by
Antonín Dvořák (especially the New World Symphony), Smetana’s Moldau, Finlandia, some of Greig and Tchaikovsky, and of course, the William Tell Overture by Rossini (the whole thing, not just the finale). Some movie soundtracks are also pretty good. Especially ones by John Williams.
2- I write songs that are part of the story. I do have songs within my writing, and while these songs just look like a poem on the page, I have a tune for every single one of them in my head. I don’t have any that don’t have music to go with them. Some of these are embedded in the story, but some I have written more for fun, like in all my “If Aviandria Were a Musical” posts. Music is such a strong part of a culture, I think it helps me develop Aviandria.
3- I’ve written music that reminds me of the story. It could work a little bit like background music or a soundtrack. I have written themes for several of the characters, or mood music for certain parts. Whenever i feel a little unmotivated, I can play those songs and often they can activate the emotion I need to be able to continue. It gets me excited again.
Stories and music are both such a big part of my life. I love them each on their own, but I often find they are even better when they work together.
How does music inspire your creativity? How are music and stories connected for you?