If Aviandria Was a Musical–Is It Really Possible?
Okay, so I’m continuing with these musical songs. However, we’re getting to the point where I probably should start including spoiler alerts. If you haven’t read Gateway to Aviandria and you ever intend to, this could ruin a few surprises. Personally, I would recommend reading the book first (you can get it here) and then coming back. If you don’t want to, read on. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Is It Really Possible?
Ashlynn: I never thought my grandma was
The type to keep a giant secret.
I felt her arms, I knew her smile.
Could she really have been trying to forget?
It seems so strange, impossible,
I don’t believe, and yet,
When I look back and hear new tales,
The pieces seem to fit.
Is it really possible?
Alder: If this is true and we could prove
Beyond a doubt it could mean much more
Than lost stories, and hidden things,
And family secrets waiting for you to explore.
You have the charm, the talisman,
And if our theory’s true,
You could step up and claim your place.
The throne belongs to you.
Is it really possible?
(Some dialogue)
Ashlynn: I didn’t ask for such a choice I really don’t know what to do now.
I’m not ready to leave my dream.
To give up trying to go home somehow.
I like this life, I’d be content
Until I found a way.
But could I ever get back home
If I am what they say?
Is it really possible?
I want to run, I want to hid from this responsibility.
To take the throne and be in charge, it isn’t really me.
But that I guess is what it comes to
Do I just do what I want to?
If I choose home what happens then,
To Aviandria and all my friends?
If I could stop a war full of death and pain
Could I forgive myself if I went home again?
If all of this is really true
I guess I know what I should do.
(A little dialogue)
Dillyn’s sister 1: You’ll be so great! Dillyn’s sister 2: You’re very brave
Dillyn: I knew you would accept without a doubt.
Alvorach: We need a plan, so your family’s safe
Alder: This leaves us so many details to talk about.
Ashlynn: It’s all so fast, I can’t believe
I really might be queen.
But all of this might not work out.
What will the future bring?
Is it really possible?
Dillyn: This really could be possible.
Alder: I hope it’s really possible.
Ashlynn: What if it’s really possible?
All: This is the thing that really might turn everything around. But…
Is it really possible?