Simplified Summer Series–Fast Fact: Time in Aviandria
I hope your summer is going great! I’m never quite sure whether summer is busier for me than the rest of the year, or less busy. It seems to be a little of both for different reasons. Anyhow, here is a fast fact for you.

Did you know, in Aviandria, their days are about the same length as ours? But since they don’t really have clocks like we do, they don’t measure the time by “o’clock”. Instead, they measure everything from noon and midnight. So two o’clock in the afternoon would be two hours after noon. However, ten o’clock at night would be two hours before midnight. As you might guess, it’s harder to tell the time at night than when you can see the sun during the day. Also, since time isn’t as accurate, things don’t always start at an exact time. It certainly can take time to get used to it.
Would time in Aviandria drive you crazy, or would it be nice for a change?