Simplified Summer Series–Wacky Words
I like words. Probably a good thing, considering writing a book requires a lot of them. Sometimes I use words people give me confused looks about. I don’t mean to, it just happens. I’ll never forget the time I used the word “enamored” while having a conversation with my friend. It took me some time to convince her I wasn’t just making up words. This was before smartphones were a thing, so I couldn’t just pull out my phone and prove it to her.

Anyhow, I thought I’d share a short list of some of my favorite words. Some of them are common enough, while others are a bit more strange.
- Twitterpated– going right along with enamored.
- Tenacious– especially when used in a phrase like “tenacious as a lobster”.
- Foil– Whether it be the aluminum stuff, the fencing blade, or the, “I’ll foil your dastardly plot!” type (dastardly is another fun word) it’s a good one.
- Zygodactyl– which is a toe formation type on certain birds, commonly found in parrots. And yes, I do find occasions to use this word. (It helps that I do actually have a pet parrot who is zygodactyl-.)
- Fossiliferous– I just recently dug this one up. It means what it sounds like- something (usually rock) that’s got fossils in it. It would be lovely to be able to say to someone, “My, that’s a fossiliferous rock you have there!”
- Fortuitous– Wouldn’t it be fortuitous if you found a fossiliferous rock?
Anyhow, those are a few of my favorite words. I didn’t realize so many of them started with “F”. Anyhow, see how many you can use in conversation this week. It could be fun.
What are some of your favorite words?