Simplified Summer Series–Writing Report
I wish I could report I am racing along at breakneck speed on the third book of the Aviandria Trilogy, but that would be a lie. It’s not going as fast as I would like, especially since my access to a computer is very limited right now. I am however, making some progress. Here is what I have so far.

1- I have a completed first draft. I’ve had that for several years.
2- I have a game plan as to what changes need to be made in the next draft to make the story better.
3- I am working on outlining my first draft chapter by chapter so I don’t have to spend so much time going back to reference things.
4- I have almost six chapters plus a prolog of the rewrite finished.
So, it’s not nearly complete, but let’s see how much further I can be by the end of summer.
What do you think would be a reasonable goal by the end of summer?