Summer–What To Expect From This Blog This Year.
So, have been going through something of a dilemma. It’s the beginning of summer (not calendar summer, but functional summer) and that is my weakest time for keeping this blog up. I have a terrible time keeping up with posting in the summer. In fact, the last two years it has just kind of gone dead in the summer. This year I really don’t want it to go dead. I actually have quite a few of the posts I wanted to post over the summer planned out. However, I also really, really want time to work on the third and last book in my trilogy, as well as a couple other big, important projects, and taking time to write things for this blog does take a fair chunk of the time I could be using on that. I contemplated just taking a hiatus as I have done previous years, but that just didn’t feel quite right. I have come upon a compromise.

This summer, I have decided to simplify. These posts will primarily be short and sweet. I’ll still try to make them fun, but they will be much simpler than some of the others. Depending on how much I have gotten done on my other projects I really want to work on, I may continue this way until they are done. I don’t know exactly, but I just want time. Some posts might be updates on my progress (I’m more likely to do it when I have a reason to be accountable). Other’s might be fun quotes, or maybe a game-ish thing. I don’t know for sure. Things are still coming together in my head, but hopefully, this will be a way for everybody to win.
What kinds of stuff would you like to read over the summer?