Ten Facts You May or May Not Have Known About Ashlynn.
I’ve already done this with Alder and Alvorach, and since we are dong alphabetical order, Ashlynn was up next. It was a little tough coming up with unknown facts for her. So much of Ashlynn comes out in the books. Even her thoughts are there. However, here are a few things that weren’t stated outright in the story.

- While in her own world, Ashlynn is a college student studying history education. Even though sometimes history text books get a little dry for her tastes, she loves studying it.
- Ashlynn is the oldest child of four. She has a younger brother and sister in high school, and another younger sister in middle school.
- Ashlynn has always loved to read. Part of the reason she was drawn to history is that it is so full of stories.
- Ashlynn loves to know things. She loves learning new things. She loves facts, she loves to know how to do things, and she likes to know what is going on. Knowlege is important to her.
- Ashlynn used to dance when she was little, but other than a few childhood ballet classes, she didn’t do much with it.
- Ashlynn did a little in track and field, mostly in the 200 meter dash. She’s a sprinter.
- Ashlynn hadn’t really traveled outside the western part of the United States before she went to Aviandria
- Ashlynn loved to hear stories about her ancestors, which is part of the reason she was so surprised she didn’t know more about her grandma.
- Ashlynn had toyed with the idea of getting a pilot’s licence in high school. She would rather have learned to fly a plane than drive a car.
- For a while, Ashlynn seriously considered becoming and archaeologist.
What surprised you about Ashlynn? Was there anything you already felt you knew?