Ten Facts You May or May Not Have Known About Gallis
well, if I’m going to do this for the good guys, I should probably do it for the bad guys as well. Gallis is the primary villain in Gateway to Aviandria, so I’ll go with him for now. As much as I don’t like him, he is the most relatable out of all my villains. He actually goes a little bit deeper than most people see, so this could be fun.

1- Gallis was not quite born yet when his father took over as regent over Aviandria. Growing up, he always wondered why his father was willing to put so much time and effort into something without getting the credit Gallis felt his father deserved. He believed that because of the time and sacrifice his family had put in, they deserved the crown.
2- Gallis has a charming side. If he doesn’t have a reason to be upset with you or threatened by you, he can be amiable company.
3- For loving to lead so much, Gallis is somewhat of an introvert. He doesn’t really love to appear to the public or venture out into the kingdom.
4- Gallis did have a family at one point and he genuinely cared about them. His wife’s health was always somewhat frail, and he spared no expense on any doctors or medical care she might need. When she died of complications a few weeks after the birth of his first son and only child, he was quite heartbroken.
5- After the death of his wife, he doted upon his son with the same care. His son also had a weak heart and other health problems. When nothing he could do or give could save his son, Gallis went from enjoying power to being obsessed with it. It was as if he were afraid of ever feeling powerless again.
6- Other than losing his power, Gallis is afraid of one very peculiar thing. He suffers from strong alektorophobia, or the fear of chickens. He tries his best not to let anybody know.
7- Though they don’t promote the same irrational fear as chickens, Gallis was never the type to do well around rocs. He is, however very good with horses. Though horses aren’t very common in Aviandria, he always kept a very impressive stable. Some people have been heard to observe that he was much kinder to his horses than many of the people around him.
8- Gallis’s temper was always very short, and he forgives very slowly. In fact, it is very unusual for him to forgive at all.
9- Except for when it comes to his army, Gallis prefers quality over quantity. He usually had some of the best food, but it was in reasonable amounts. He didn’t regularly have large wasteful feasts. His wardrobe was also some of the finest clothes, but it was moderate in size.
10- Gallis never thought of himself as tyrannical. He had told himself what he was doing was for the good of Aviandria so many times, that he actually believed it.
What surprised you about Gallis? What had you already figured out from the books or other posts?