What Makes It Worth It?
Well, in case you didn’t notice, I’m behind for this week. That’s okay. I’m doing this anyhow, for me more than anyone, because I need to get my thoughts into order, and as a writer, this is the best way to do it.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what makes something worth doing. There are several things that are feeling harder than I like right now (yes, I need to stop being a wimp) and it sometimes makes me wonder, is it really worth it? Perhaps some things are, and maybe some things aren’t. Here are some of my thoughts on how to tell the difference. I’m going to use writing as an example, not because it’s the only thing that’s making me reflect on the question, but because this is an “author blog” and therefore supposed to have a connection to writing.
The first question is, is it essential to fill one of the basic human needs? If the answer is yes and there is not a better way, it’s probably worth doing, at least until you can find some other options. For me personally, writing doesn’t have to fill the need for food, clothing, shelter, etc., but for some people, it might. If this were the only criteria, then writing wouldn’t be worth it for me. The investment of time and money I’ve put in has yet to pay off. It doesn’t mean it never will, but so far, no, it wouldn’t be worth it. However, this isn’t the only thing that makes it worth it.
Second, does it bring joy? I guess clothes and kitchen gadgets aren’t the only things you can KonMari. If something makes you happy, it doesn’t have to turn a profit to be worth it. Writing makes me happy. It’s something I love. Sure there are frustrating parts, but mostly, I could do it for hours a day and be perfectly content. Unfortunately, I don’t have that much time available. So, yes, this would indicate writing is worth it for me.
Next, I would ask myself, does it bring me closer to being the person I want to be? Of course being an author, even a famous one, isn’t all I want to be, but it has been a long time dream. Writing is really the only thing that can get me there. I may not be famous, but I am a published author. That’s certainly closer to that part of who I want to be than I was ten years ago. (And no, I don’t need to be really famous. That sounds like a pain. I mostly just want my books to find their way into the hands of people who love them.)
Last, I would have to ask myself, does it make the world a little better? If it helps anybody, even a single person, is it worth it? I like to think it is. The biggest dream for my writing is for it to give people something that lights their life up just a little. If I can give somebody a moment of retreat from a chaotic world, or inspire them for the better, or make a lonely soul feel they have a friend in the pages, then it makes everything worth it.
How do you know something is worth it?