What Would My Characters Look Like In Real Life?–A Peek at Possibilities Part 3

This last week has passed all too quickly. I have to admit, I’m having trouble getting back into real life after the Christmas break. I have been struggling to want to do all the things I’m supposed to be doing. Ugh. But life does go on, and so must I. This post isn’t exactly what I had planned for today, but I haven’t been able to do what I hoped, so this is what you get.

In a couple of previous posts, I have posted pictures of computer-generated people that might look enough like my characters to play them if there was ever a movie made of my books. (Yeah, that’s not going to happen, but it’s still fun to imagine.) These aren’t exactly how I imagine the characters. They just fit the descriptions well, and are close enough to what I imagine that I’d say they would work. I’ve already introduced most of the key characters and Dillyn’s family. In this article, I’m going to do the same thing, but with those who are most supportive in the palace, and the members of the council.

Please remember, these are all computer-generated, and not pictures of real people. If they happen to look like you or any other real people you know, it is completely a coincidence.

Perrian was one of the first people in the palace to help Ashlynn.
Milanya wasn’t far behind Perrian when it came to giving Ashlynn assistance.
Though it takes a moment for him to warm up, Councilor Keagan is one of the more helpful members of the council.
Councilor Thrombun is also eager to give aid where he can once he accepts Ashlynn.
Councilor Willamsby doesn’t show up a lot in the first book, but I’m sure he’s helpful when he is needed.
General Tarklan isn’t so helpful, but he’s on the council, at least for a bit, so we’ll include him as well.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this peek into possible make-believe casting for the non-existent big-screen version of Aviandria.

If you’ve read the book, do these come close to what you have pictured? If not, what would you change?

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