Ask the Author–Do you write better when you are writing by hand or typing?
Happy Independence Day to those in the USA. To anyone else reading this, I hope you are having a very nice, July 4th which is an average day for you, but that shouldn’t stop it from being phenomenal. Our Author Question is… Da-da-da-da… Do you write better when you are writing by hand or typing?

The truth is, it depends. If I’m making anything like a list or scheduling or planning, I like to do it by hand. In fact, I really have a hard time doing it on the computer or my phone. I don’t use the calendar on my phone. It just doesn’t work for me. I have to write it out by hand old school style.
If I am writing stories (which is probably what this question is really referring to) I can do either. Lately, I have done more with typing than I have writing it out in a notebook because it takes less time because I don’t have to go back and retype it on the computer. However, when I started Aviandria, it was split. I wrote in a notebook when I couldn’t type, and I typed when I had access to a computer. So I can do either. Right now, I think I prefer typing, but I can write it by hand just fine when I need to.
Do you prefer typing or writing by hand? Why?