Book Report Ideas–Book Report in a Bag

I remember having to give book reports in elementary and middle school. I don’t remember a lot of them, but I remember a couple of specific ones. My favorites were always the ones that were more than just writing a few paragraphs about the book. I liked the ones that put my creativity to the test. One of my favorites was called “A Book in a Bag.” The rules were pretty simple. You took a paper bag (Usually grocery bag size) then you decorate it to reflect the book. After that, you had to find a certain number of objects that had something to do with the book to put inside. For example, if I were doing The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, I might put in a ring (a rather obvious one), a cookie or cracker that looked like lembas bread (like they got from the elves), a mushroom (because of the mushrooms they used to steal from the farmer and his dogs), A small sword made out of a popsicle stick and aluminum foil (There are lots of swords, but Anduril specifically has lots of significance), and a small model of a firework (because of the fireworks Gandalf brings to Bilbow’s party).

Just for fun, I thought I would do something like this for my first book, Gateway to Aviandria. So, here is my Book Report in a Bag for Gateway of Aviandria.

Here is the bag. It shows the emblem of Aviandria, with the golden roc on the royal blue background. Pardon the state of the bag. The only one I had was an old one that had a bit of water damage.

Now, for what I would put in the bag.

The necklace that Ashlynn inherited from her grandmother that she likes to wear, and happens to be wearing when she goes to Aviandria.
Two rocks mark the place in the gardens that transports Ashlynn to Aviandria. These are a lot smaller, but they do have to fit in a paper bag, and no, they don’t look anything like a roc or a dragon like the ones in the book, but you try finding rocks that look like that and see how easy it is. Especially when the ground outside is covered in snow.
The dried meat, cracker-like biscuits, and dried fruit that Ashlynn eats with Alder and Dillyn. (Yeah, these things are nothing like the Aviandrian stuff, but it’s the best I had on hand.)
These are supposed to represent roc feathers, because, of course, rocs are kind of a big thing in Aviandria. (And no, I didn’t really intend the pun, but it kinda works. Right?)
The dagger used in an assassination attempt. I won’t say more, because I don’t want to ruin the ending of the book on the slim chance you haven’t read it.

So there you have it. My book report in a bag. What book would you do a book report like this for? What would you put in your bag?

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