Festive Foods–A few ideas of something to eat on the Day of the Lights

It’s almost the Day of the Lights! If you are very new and haven’t heard of this Aviandrian holiday, here is a bit about it. One of the aspects of the Day of the Lights is making a special kind of food. This doesn’t have to be anything specific, it’s just a food that feels special to you and your family. Something that you would consider a treat. It doesn’t have to be a sweet treat either. The possibilities are endless and very personal. However, if you want to celebrate in a more Aviandrian style, here are some things you might be interested in trying that people in Aviandria would probably consider a treat. (Note: these aren’t all perfectly Aviandrian, but they have an Aviandrian feel to them. Also note, I don’t have any connection to the websites in the below links. They are just recipes I’ve found that look yummy.)

Not actually anything in this post. Just a picture of a yummy-looking treat.

These cranberry-orange scones looked delightful. I can easily imagine something like this in Aviandria.

This potato soup recipe is getting close to my very favorite potato soup (which I don’t have a recipe for, because it’s just something I throw together without measurement or anything, so I can’t just give you the recipe. This one is somewhat close, though still somehow different. We didn’t put onion or butter in ours growing up and added onion salt instead of regular salt. Then we used a potato masher to really mash and blend it up. It was basically soupy mashed potatoes with onion salt.) Potato soup was my very favorite food in the entire world growing up, so it is perfect for this. You can add things like ham or bacon as well as cheese, and green onions to make it even fancier, but I love it just plain.

These roasted carrots look like something they would eat in Aviandria, especially in winter when many other vegetables were scarce.

These little hand pies don’t look too hard to make. The filling looks like it involves a lot, but it also looks like you could use it as a jumping-off point and kind of improvise if you had the desire.

This looks like a great classic apple crisp recipe that I could imagine being very popular in Aviandria.

Anyhow, there are some ideas for you to try if you can’t think of anything on your own. It doesn’t have to be one of these, and it doesn’t have to have anything to do with Aviandria. If a hamburger feels good and special to you, go for it. Or an ice cream sundae sounds marvelous. Just have fun with it.

What kind of food would (or better yet, will) you choose?

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