Homesick- Why I Can’t Help Wanting to Visit Aviandria

Right now I am having a bit of a problem. I’m finding myself homesick for Aviandria. This isn’t exactly a new problem. After I spent a month in Israel I found myself longing to go back and revisit the people I met and places I saw. I’ve had cravings to spend time in Hong Kong again, or experience an exciting Oklahoma thunderstorm once more. It may seem strange to lump a place like Aviandria in with those others when I can’t exactly hop on a plane and be there in a matter of hours. However, I have spent a significant amount of time there as I have studied, written, and dreamed about it. It has become a part of my life just as much as any physical place on this planet.

Outline Map 2


This doesn’t come anywhere close to meaning I am not happy with my current life. In fact, right now, my life is pretty awesome. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. However, every once in a while, the urge to just drop everything and take a trip to Aviandria still feels overpowering. As of right now, the only way I can do that is through my imagination.

As much as visiting myself, I have also longed to share this world with other people that I care about. Because it is something I have enjoyed, it is something I have felt others might enjoy as well. However, because traveling there presents some difficulties, the only way I can do this is through writing about it and sharing these writings with people. The hope is that through my words and descriptions, I can give others at least a taste of what I have enjoyed so much.

So, since I am in such an Aviandrian mind-set right now, I have decided to share with you my favorite things about Aviandria. Here goes.

1- The People. Aviandria has some of the most amazing people. Of course you find the rude customer, the dishonest businessman, the annoying gossip, or anything else you would find in our world, but on the whole, the people there are warm, generous, and overall a happy bunch. You will find some of the best in the stories, but these are only a sampling. There are so many others I can’t even begin to fit into the books, and of course, you only catch glimpses of the ones I have written about. You would have to really get to know them in person to fully understand them. This is why I am trying to do a spotlight and interview every so often.

2- The Culture. As with every country, Aviandria has her own set of traditions. From the games children play to the way they celebrate birthdays, weddings, and other occasions of note, they have lots of unique customs. Their music has a quality about it that might be described as haunting, even as it puts you in a good mood. Their food, while simple, has a wholesomeness about it that just feels right. They have a strong sense of community, and an even stronger sense of family. It’s far from a utopia, but it is just as good as anywhere else I have experienced.

3- The Land. Aviandria is beautiful. It is probably a good thing that it isn’t part of the United States, or the entire thing would have probably been declared a National Park. Much of it is covered in rich green forests. It has scenic mountain ranges running through the center and along the Eastern boarder. There are huge rivers, and sparkling lakes, and then of course we can’t leave out the luxurious beaches and majestic cliffs that run along the coastline. The  orange, red, and golden ocean sunsets are spectacular, and the purple and pink mountain sunrises are invigorating. The air is clean and clear, and even the dirt seems wholesome.

4- The Rocs.  The giant birds that make Aviandria unique are one of my very favorite features. As big as they are, and seeing that they are birds of prey, you might think they would be dangerous to humans, but the truth is, they aren’t. Somehow humans have escaped the list of animals rocs hunt for. Although rocs will eat most large animals, such as deer, cows, or sheep if they are allowed, they actually prefer food from the sea. Sharks are among their favorite cuisine. If they are worked with from the moment they hatch from the egg, these giant birds may be trained to be ridden, and make up an important part of the military in Aviandria. They are very loyal, and will remain a trustworthy companion to whomever they bond with.

5- The History. Aviandrian history goes back a lot longer than ours. It is slower moving than our history. I don’t know all of it. In fact, I don’t even know most of it, but the parts I am familiar with have a wealth of learning opportunities. There are dark patches, as well as golden ages. There are historical figures who nearly ruined the country, and there are heroes. There is a bit of everything you might ever imagine. Anybody who loves studying history would find a treasure-trove in the libraries of Aviandria.

I could probably go on and on about many things.  Eventually I hope to reveal a bit more about Aviandria in greater detail, but for now, thank you for humoring my homesick reminiscing. Hopefully you have found it somewhat interesting, but just pure description hardly does it justice. The best way to get to know more about it would probably be through experiencing it yourselves, but since you can’t, at least try to get to know it through the books when they come out. It’s way better, I promise.

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