Last Week of School!–What to Expect This Summer
This is the last week of school for us here! I know some places may have it go longer, but it is certainly the home stretch. Summer is almost here! Yay! Can you tell I’m excited? Anyhow, summer is fun, but somehow it is almost harder to find time to write during the summer, so I’ve changed the way I do posts. Here’s what you can expect.

Most of my summer posts are super short. Like, most of them aren’t more than a paragraph or so. Sometimes it might be something like a picture instead, but they usually aren’t very long. Here are some possible posts you might see.
- Quick Quotes- Just quotes I think are insperational or funny.
- Fast Facts- A fact about Aviandria, or about my Writing
- Quick Question- An answer to an Ask the Author question that can be answered in a paragraph or less.
- Itty-bitty Idea- A fast idea for some summer fun
- Swift Sketch- A really fast, not very finished-looking drawing.
These are some of the things you might find over the summer. Hopefully, by keeping summer simple, I will be able to make sure there are posts every week that are enjoyable.
What kinds of posts would you like to see over the summer?