Ten Facts You May or May Not Have Known About Dillyn

Are there any fun flowers in your yard yet? We are getting violets and tulips and a few other early spring flowers, and don’t forget the dandelions! Dandelions are the best. Alder likes to turn them into a salad early in the spring. Dillyn things he is slightly crazy. Speaking of Dillyn, it is time for ten fun facts you may or may not have known about him.

Not the most perfect of likenesses, but it’s the best I’ve got at the moment.


  1. Dillyn had a younger sister between him and Alayne who died of a childhood illness.
  2. Dillyn’s love of stories came from his father who would sometimes let the children stay up late listening to him tell his own tales.
  3. Dillyn was almost fifteen when his father died. He signed up to be an errand boy in the army right after because it was one of the best and fastest ways to help earn money to help his family.
  4. When he was eight years old, Dillyn was positive he wanted to be a sailor when he grew up.
  5. Dillyn had most of the symptoms of ADHD growing up. He either grew out of or learned how to control it for the most part, but you can still catch glimpses of it in the way he scratches in the dirt with a stick when he is trying to think hard on a plan, or from the way he almost always doodles during council meetings.
  6. He isn’t afraid of much, but heights make him very uncomfortable. However, he will endure them if a grand adventure requires it.
  7. For as good as he is at planning, Dillyn isn’t super fond of it unless it feels like a game. He usually prefers to dive right in and overcome obstacles as they come. He does, however, enjoy making any plans he comes up with somewhat flashy and dramatic. When he really puts his mind to it, however, his strategy is usually very sound. He is especially good at counter strategy.
  8. Dillyn’s love of people and cheerful personality make him very likable. However, as much as he is liked by all, he doesn’t have many close relationships.
  9. Dillyn is a hazard in the kitchen. His mother gave up trying to have him help cook meals because he was forever leaving out ingredients, or getting measurements wrong. More often than not anything he tried to make would burn because he got distracted.
  10. Dillyn likes music and is a fairly good singer, but given the choice, he prefers dancing. He is exceptional at it and very popular at any dances he attends.

Which of these surprised you? Which did you already know?

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