What Do They Wear in Aviandria?–Aviandrian Fashion: Pt. 2: Everyday Clothing

Welcome back to my ramblings about Aviandrian fashion. Last time we looked at the base of all Aviandrian clothing. This time, we’ll look at everyday clothing that most of the population of Aviandria would wear. This can be hard to describe in words, so I’ve tried to include pictures. I’m not the world’s best artist, but hopefully, the pictures give you a general idea so you can make sense of my descriptions.

This is from my sketchbook, so there is a weird line in the middle, but here are some options for everyday men’s clothes.


Men aren’t really required to do much with the basics we talked about last time. Especially for work, they often wear just that. Other common things they wear with it would be something like a jacket, or a vest that is much like the jerkin from our world’s historical clothing. These might be made out of leather, but they could easily be made from something else like wool, or even linen in the summer.


Women have a large variety of possibilities. Often, the more everyday clothing doesn’t cover the entire shift. In fact, sometimes there is only either a shirt covering the top of it or a skirt covering the bottom. For everyday work, this is considered perfectly acceptable. Along with that, often the women wear an apron consisting of a large square of cloth folded in half diagonally to make a triangle, then tied around the waist. Other possibilities often include a sleeveless overdress of some sort. Some lace in the back, while others may close in the front with a slit that remains open from the waist down. Usually, for everyday wear, these are simple, though sometimes the women will add embroidery or simple trim. The higher classes will be more likely to have fancier trimmings and fabric. Everyday work clothes will often have skirts that rise just above the ankle.


Children follow the adult styles fairly closely, and the older the child gets, the closer they are. After they grow out of the loose dress (talked about in the previous article about this) usually around age three, the boys will wear simple pants and a loose shirt. These usually are left without anything around the waste until the young man reaches around eight years old. At this point, they will start using a belt, or rope to tie around their waists, and some will start wearing loose jackets. Mockasin-like shoes are usually worn by boys up to this point unless they are part of the uppermost class or there is a specific reason for boots. Usually, they start dressing like adult men at around 12 years old, including getting a pair of boots.

The girls will continue to wear the loose shift, but at around the same time as the boys switch to pants, they will wear a loose pinafore-type cover over it. These are usually very simple, and not quite as long as an adult woman’s dress. Around the age of eight, they usually start wearing an apron or a simple sash with these, and by the time they are twelve, they switch to dressing like an adult.

What would your outfit look like if you lived in Aviandria? Which of the above things would you choose?

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