Writing Update!
So, I figure after almost a year of posting nothing, it might be about time to give a writing update. It seems like I should have written a lot in that time. If I didn’t write as much as I should have, I blame 2020. You can blame almost anything on 2020, right? Anyhow, here is what has happened since the last report.

The big news? I finished the second draft of the third book! I actually finished it a few months ago. Now I am getting beta readers together to go over it and find things that need revision. The next little bit will be waiting for the beta readers to read the book and offer their input. Then I revise. After those revisions, I should be able to send it off to my editor! Yay! So, it is going. Not super quickly, but it is moving along. I’m hoping to be able to have it published by spring at the latest. We’ll see if I can make that happen.
Anyhow, that’s about it. This week is short and sweet, but seeing that everyone I know is super busy, that might be for the best.