You Might Like Aviandria If…

Reading a new book by an unknown author is always a bit of a gamble. You don’t know whether you will feel like you just wasted precious hours of your life, or if you will run into something you weren’t expecting that makes you quite uncomfortable. If you are actually buying the book, it makes it even harder because if you just stop in the middle, you feel like you wasted your money. I feel this way all the time, so I completely understand. That is why I have decided to make a list of qualities the Aviandria books have or will likely have in the future so that it makes it just a little bit easier for people to decide whether they might enjoy them, or whether to move on and not bother.

You might like Aviandria if…

– You like female leads who are strong but not hardened. The girls who have key spots in my books aren’t weak, but they aren’t tough warriors who are callused by a troubled past. They can hold their own and do what is needed, but they don’t feel the need to go and find a fight. They are normal in appearance without the unrealistic body image so prevalent in media these days.

– You like a twist on mythological creatures and races. Yes, there are rocs and dragons and elves, but they have their own feel that is at least different enough from the other fantasy books I’ve read that they aren’t super redundant.

-You like a hint of romance without it eclipsing the main plot. There may or may not be romantic subplots in the books I write. It will depend on the book. However, when there is romance, it is either a subplot and I try really hard to keep it from becoming a distraction from the main plot, or it fits in with the main plot enough it feels natural and doesn’t fight for the reader’s attention.

– You like adventure and suspense without graphic descriptions of violence. Sometimes violence is avoided altogether, and sometimes there are very brief fights. However, when there is any passage where fighting is necessary for a believable plot, it is short and without gruesome, gory details. We keep things as PG as possible.

– You like discovering and exploring new worlds along with the main character. If you read any of the Aviandria books, you will find yourself learning about a world that is different from ours, whether it is through the eyes of someone who has just discovered it, or someone who has lived there their entire life.

– You want to escape everyday life rather than being reminded of it. Of course there may be challenges and things that are universal that will show up in Aviandria, but for the most part, life for the characters in the book will be fairly different from the life of an average person in this world.

– You like your books to be G or PG rated. As I mentioned before, the violence in any of my books is minimal and not graphic. There are no swear words. There aren’t characters going out and getting high on drugs. There is absolutely no sex. If you think a book has to have these things to be good, these books are probably not for you. They are clean enough I have no problem letting my mother, or my grandmother read them.

– You like stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. I have characters from all types of backgrounds with stories planned for them. Some are rich, some are poor. Some are male, some are female. There’s going to be a pretty good variety, but most of them don’t see themselves as anything spectacular. They all feel ordinary, and they do extraordinary things.

If one or more of these things ring a bell, you might consider reading an Aviandrian adventure. Right now the only one out is Gateway to Aviandria, but there will hopefully be more in the near future. You can find Gateway to Aviandria for sale, or check for other recently published books in the series here. If you tend to hate one or more of the things on this list, this probably is the wrong book for you, which is okay. Everyone has different taste. Hopefully, this list has been helpful for people to make a decision one way or another.

What things do you look for in a book? 

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