Summer is Like An Ice Cream Cone–Catch Every Drop

Summer is almost here. I have always felt like the beginning of summer comes with ample amounts of anticipation. School will be out (much to children’s delight, and some parents’ chagrin) and the days seem to stretch long and mostly free. Possibilities arise. Anything can happen. However, summer is also fleeting. Before we know it, fall will be just around the corner, and school will be looming in the near future again. The real question is, what happens to that time in between?

My mom always used to say that summer is like an ice cream cone. You can’t save an ice cream cone (unless you have a freezer, but that’s beside the point). You either eat it, or it melts. You want to try and catch every drop of that ice cream before it melts away. In the same way, you can’t save summer. It will melt away just as surely as an ice cream cone, and if you don’t take advantage of every moment, you’ll lose half of it before you know it.

The summers I remember best are the ones where I have actually accomplished something. Sometimes it was in the form of a kid business. Sometimes it was creating better relationships by playing with friends or family members. Other times, it was going somewhere and learning or seeing things I never had before. The summers I don’t remember were the ones where I got bored and just lied around, or spent my time on my own watching movies (we didn’t have TV). It was the summers where I really tried to make the most of every moment that have been some of my best.

So, what are you going to do with your summer? Will you go on adventures to new, or familiar places? Will you complete fun and amazing projects? Will you build memories with your friends or loved ones? Will you learn something new that they won’t teach in school? The possibilities are endless!

What are your summer plans? What summers do you remember most?

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